Tuesday, December 9, 2008


THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE (AND TEMPORARY) POST. eventually i will put up info about using the "CAGED" system to learn how to play in all positions on the guitar. I'm putting it off for two reasons--
1. it's going to be a pain in the ass to put it together for you
2. most of my students get bored with this topic, and don't put the time in necessary to use this information.

if those two excuses don't scare you away, please post a comment! I'll tell you this much for now-- being able to play all over the neck is essential for a serious player. many of my posted lessons assume you have some notion of this. if you don't, then reading tablature or notation anywhere but the first few frets will be MUCH harder than it should be. if i get some feedback about this from people eager for me to write about it, i'll get on it.


1 comment:

  1. http://www.mindspring.com/~notionsunlimited/games/fretboard.html
